Deep Purple Archive Collection

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A limited edition run of the book, signed by drummer Ian Paice, will be available.  There are only 125 copies like this, and the publishers are making a donation to a charity of Ian’s choice for this. See the news item on our home page.

You can see more page spreads from the 1973 tour here, and the original spreads here.

Barry Plummer Deep Purple book

Deep Purple, London, UK tour 1974

The first of our Barry Plummer books covers the highly influential and successful rock band Deep Purple. Formed in 1968, Barry photographed the group at a number of important shows in the early seventies, including their Royal Albert Hall debut (as a band without an orchestra!), appearances at the BBC for Top Of The Pops and In Concert, shows in 72 and 73 and then their British tour in 1974.  The photographs feature arguable the group’s most important line-ups, Mk 2 with Ian Gillan and Roger Glover, then Mk 3 with Coverdale and Hughes.  Barry also covered some press launches.  More details will be published soon.  In the meantime the cover image is shown below (subject to change).

Deep Purple Barry Plummer archive book

5 Responses to Deep Purple Archive Collection

  1. Pingback: The Barry Plummer Quartet | Stereo33Books

  2. Pingback: Unlikely support | Stereo33Books

  3. Rob Graatsma says:

    “published soon” ? Can’t wait any longer!

  4. gareth says:

    Looks really good…not enough Purple books out there as they are extremely underrated. Love them


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