Jordan Blum

Jordan Blum writerJordan Blum is one of the contributors to the upcoming Genesis / Lamb Lies Down On Broadway photo book. He has been a [70s era] Genesis fanatic ever since his father played him their earliest records when he was a teenager (only a decade ago, really). Since then, he’s become one of the most respected journalists covering the new prog rock genre, having interviewed and covered a plethora of revered artists, including Steven Wilson, Vincent Cavanagh, Rick Wakeman, Phideaux Xavier, Arjen Lucassen, Jordan Rudess, Roine Stolt, Mike Portnoy, Neal Morse, Mariusz Duda, Gary Green and Jon Anderson to name a few. He currently writes for several publications, including Progression Magazine, Rock Society Magazine, Rebel Noise, Sea of Tranquility and Popmatters. He also records music under the pseudonym Neglected Spoon, as well as teaches at a few colleges in the Philadelphia area. Jordan also runs The Bookends Review, an online journal of the arts.

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  1. Pingback: Genesis update | Stereo33Books

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